Excel #1 Standard Blades B11 Pk5 20011
Excel #2 Standard Blades B2 Pk5 20002
Excel #2 Knife with Safety Cap
#1 Stainless Straight Blades (5) 20021
#1 Knife with Safety Cap
2 Knives with 10 Asstd. Blades
Deluxe Magna Visor: Black
Sprue Cutter Black
55550 Pliers Nippers 4 1/2
#2 Chisel Point Blades B18 pk5
Drill Bits 1.016mm Pk12
Pin Vise w/ 12 Drill Bits
K-26 Rubber Grip knife #1 Bl
4 1/2'' Magnifier w/ Tweezers
Pro Tweezer Curved Point 30410
Needle Point Awl
K5 Knife w/30490 Rzor Saw Blade
3.5" Decal Scissors Stainless Steel
Extra Hands: 2 Clip
Stanley Type Knife Blades (5pk)
#1 Knife With 6 Asst Blades
Pinvice with 4 chucks
Excel #1 Chisel Blades B17 pk5
Coping Saw w/4 Assort Blades