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Latest video:
Brainleaf Zombies for Necromuda
A visit to ValleyCon 2024:
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Scratch-Building Terrain - Inspirational
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Using GSW UV Resin
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A Visit to Armourfest , August 2023
Adding Rust effects with Chalk Pastels
Oil shade Washing Necromunda Terrain:
Hail Caesar Battle Report
Hail Caeser Army Building
Painting Celts: (Audio redux)
Leviathan 10th Ed. 40K - Unboxing!
Painting Romans, and more!
A visit to Valleycon 2023:
Model Preparation and Assembly:
Hail Caesar Battle Report: EIR vs EIR ~ 350pts
Hail Caesar - An introduction to the rules.
MESBG Battle Report: Gondor vs Mordor
Landscaping a Modular Terrain Tile for Wargaming.
Making a Modular Gaming Table, Part 1: the Base Tile
Unboxing Caesar's Gallic Wars - Hail Ceasar 2nd Ed 2-Player Starter Set
Necromunda Teaser
Valour and Fortitude Napoleonic Battle Report
Unboxing: Escape from Colditz
Making Tufts, Flowers and Shrubs.
Making Reeds and Long Grass Tufts
3D Printing Terrain
Making Slaaneshi Cultists:
Making Seafoam Trees
Basing your models with Basing Pastes and Scenic Items.
Painting Chaos Space Marines
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