An amazing range of plastic kits as collectibles for display or for making, or adding to modelled dioramas.
Master Box - Ukraine scale plastic model kits (
1/35 Farmer's Cart, Europe, WWII Era
1/35 Desert Battle Series, Skull Clan - To Catch a Thief
1/32 Napoleon's Red Lancer, Napoleonic Wars Series
1/32 French Hussar, Napoleonic Wars era
1/24 World of Fantasy. Giant. Bergtroll
1/24 Valerie Strange Companys Adventures. Episode IV
1/24 Strange Company's adventures. Irene Leroi. Lets hide on Steamplanet!
1/24 Post-Apocalyptic series. The Last Bridge. Kit No. 1. Sabrina
1/24 Dimachaerus Champion ? ?Parselen? AKA Helen Parsons
1/24 Beastorian Champion ? ?Chuck? AKA Nifrath
1/24 At the Edge of the Universe. Wow, I like it!
1/24 At the Edge of the Universe. Back Off
1/24 Ancient Greek Myths Series. Satyr
1/24 Ancient Greek Myths Series. Centaur